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As sites like this go, for a business of this nature, this is a fairly well done site. The overall look and feel is solid and clear - a very big plus. The code, however, needs serious attention. In this day and age there really is no excuse for table based layouts, align="center", and things like that. And - HTML 3.2 :o A couple of layout issues to nitpick - 1) The area of your main content (the text) should have the lightest background color, generally speaking. I would highly recommend switching that grey background to the left area where the photos are, and making the main content area background white. 2) I really don't like the mix of serifed and non-serifed fonts in the body. I would stick to the non personally. 3) As rhyssa mentioned, the blue border at the top looks rather out of place once it stops. I would either extend the border for the whole page, or remove it form the top. And to touch on a point from rhyssa - [quote]you have a link to an external style sheet, yet you also have a LOT of inline styles declared as well. Pick one or the other, but using both is very messy.[/quote] Now, the question I want to ask - are you someone doing web design, and this is a client, or are you - as your name would imply - someone making this site for your own business? If the latter, then there isn't much to say about the code at the moment. It is worthwhile, if you plan to continue working on your own website, to learn proper HTML and CSS, but obviously your priorities will lie elsewhere. Don't let that be your excuse for ignoring proper coding though! The code is an important part of a web page, even if the user will never see it. If the former, then I have to reiterate that there is no excuse for coding this way at this point in time. =) If you are looking for tips on how to improve your code, you are in the right place - feel free to ask! [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 04-17-2006 14:42)[/small]
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