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There's 2 things I've noticed that need to be said about this site that haven't been yet so here you go: [b]#1. the front page[/b] This is a jumble. I assume since it's different from every other page, 3 columns, multiple "rows" if you will, that you're trying to jam a good overview into the front page. Maybe you've done so, I dunno, because of the jumble I feel compelled to click through to a different page that's not so overwhelming, one that doesn't take as much effort. You can rememdy that in my opinion by a more balanced use of white space, boxes and headlines that create a flow for the eye to follow. [b]#2. content, document search engine friendliness[/b] the pages http://www.roofwa.com/roofing_systems.htm and http://www.roofwa.com/waterproofing.htm could stand to be broken down into seperate pages like: http://www.roofwa.com/waterproofing/Deck_Coating_Systems.htm http://www.roofwa.com/waterproofing/Urethane_and_Epoxy_Coatings.htm http://www.roofwa.com/roofing_systems/Asphalt_Shingles.htm etc etc This would give you the good URL with all the keywords, which you have now to a certain degree with all the anchors in place, but breaking each out to it's own page would allow you to reiterate the importance of some keyword phrases in it's own document/page using the title tag and headlines to drive home the importance of those subjects to machines, and people. Speaking of headlines get rid of: [code]<p ALIGN="left"><font SIZE="2"><b><a name="Cold-Process_Roofing">Cold-Process Roofing</a></b></font> </p>[/code] in favor of: [code]<h1>Cold-Process Roofing</h1>[/code] It adds the correct semantic weight to the phrase instead of just visually formatting it. Search engines like this, people like this, to be able to find relevant things they're looking for. You need to focus on emphasizing your message and meaning instead of strictly visual style. A meaningful example: [code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Built-Up Roofing - Roofing Systems - Waterproofing Associates</title> </head> <body> <h1>Built-Up Roofing</h1> <p>Built-up roofing, sometimes referred to as ("tar and gravel") was introduced during the 1840s and built-up roofing remains the predominant system installed on low-slope ("flat") roofs.</p> <p>A built-up roof system consists of multiple plies of reinforcing material (organic felts, fiberglass mats or polyester), inter-ply layers of bitumen (asphalt or coal tar) and a finish surfacing, such as gravel or decorative rock, mineral surface cap sheets, or coatings. Owing to energy concerns, many built-up systems today incorporate a rigid board insulation as well.</p> <p>The repetitiveness of a built-up roofing system -- its layer upon layer nature -- provides both flexibility and durability. The number of plies and the materials used for surfacing can be varied to adapt the system to virtually any environmental or aesthetic concerns. For the same reason, a built-up roof is more forgiving of abuse after application than are many other roofing systems.</p> </body> </html> [/code] There you have a page that machines will understand to be about built up roofing systems without a doubt. Name the file/page "built-up-roofing.htm" and so much the better. The term is used I think 8 times on the page, in very good positions, page name, the title, the first headline on the page, the first paragraph of text on the page etc etc. This leaves no doubt what the page is about so search engines know to serve this page when someone searches for "built up roofing". They don't look like fools if they do, it's obvious. It may not be served on this first page because of competition and link tos etc, but it's the start every web site needs. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/403]JKMabry[/url] on 04-17-2006 18:55)[/small]
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