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[quote] [b]Dms said:[/b] Whoa... I go through 7-10 espressos plus 2-3 regular (but strong) mugs o' coffee per day[/quote] yep, I was right there with ya. Plus smokin about a pack a day. Until the other day. Was leaving lunch that I was having with my fiancee. Left the parking lot and she called me on her cell to ask something. All of a sudden I felt like fuckin shit! Got real hot and started sweating. My whole body started to "tingle" for lack of a better word. Everything around me started moving WAY far away from me. Let me remind you that I am driving and on a pretty busy highway during lunch and I still on the phone with woman. Then I started to loose my vision out of the corners of my eyes. Needless to say I was FREAKIN! I told her that I felt like shit and I was going to pull over. Swung into a parking lot and woman came up beside me. She gets out of her car and says "Man you look like shit!". So, I didn't want to but I went to the doctor. He didn't ask if I drink or had drank a lot of coffee he just said "Lay off of the caffeine!" He said that I was pretty much overdosed on it. That coupled with a bit of stress at work and trying to find a house to buy did it for me. Now, I'm down to 2 cups (smaller cups) a day. After that it's water. Later, C:\ [img]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/cprompt.jpg[/img]
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