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Should you decide to stop smoking something about nicotine you should know... which I did not, until this time...and that is; nicotine gets in deep... like right into your bone marrow. This means that after you've gone thru the initial 2 or 3 days of withdrawals.... (which really aren't that tough)....about 6 to 8 weeks later (maybe longer) you go thru a [b]2nd round[/b] of withdrawals as the nicotine works its way out of the marrow. It's this 2nd round of withdrawals you have to be aware of because they come out of nowhere...at any time... for no apparent reason, like there's no apparent trigger..there's nobody around who's smoking.... no smell of coffee..nothing you'd normally associate with smoking but all of a sudden...the beckoning call of the nightmare known as Nicotine Nancy is right back in your face...and I'm sorry but Nancy is just one ugly fucking bitch. But this 2nd round is quite different. The 'pangs' were/are very very short. Just that they come out of nowhere and this time I knew what to expect and found it wasn't too difficult to distract myself. Clearly I was more than 'ready' to stop smoking but I'm not so sure how I would have done had I not stopped the coffee at the same time. Now... like I said, I can have a couple of cups without crawling back and sucking up to Nancy. =)
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