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Web Design Best Practices
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I have gotten pulled into a project that is a redesign of an existing website, however the project lead has gotten deep into the *flashy* stuff without covering the basics. This has caused the project to become a bit nebulous. Initial mockups have been tossed asside and the current approach is to string a number of DHTML effects together ultimately resulting in a website. I want to get this project back on track but I do not have the clout to directly redirect these efforts. I am looking for some resources on Web Design best practices that might be able to give further weight to any arguements that I put forth towards getting things back on track. The way that I would optimally want this project to work would be along the lines of: 0. Gather requirements for the website (goals, target audience, browser support, etc) 1. Gather content that will be a part of the site. 2. Create a sitemap form the content. 3. Define a mapping between content and presentational elements (homepage, main content page, sub content page) 4. Create graphical mockups for all of the different page types. 5. Turn mockups into XHTML/CSS mockups 6. Refactor mockups into workable pages (templating, AJAX, transition effect, etc). 7. Combine the content with the presentation layer to result in a working website. With references that outline best practices for website design from a project management perspective I am hoping that I can pull the project back. Things like check lists, the correct questions to ask the client, or even an outline of how to run a web design project would be helpful. I am also interested in any experiences you have had or advice you might offer. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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