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Good stuff! I assume your best practices refers not to your specific situation as described in the initial post, but an all encompassing generic pre-sales questionnaire for a web design/development job? If that's the case you look a little short on [b]scope[/b] questions, specifically technology, talent, time and budget. This is a sure fire way to end a project in dissappointment. Clearly establishing scope ASAP is imperative to good relationship building and there's no better marketing than satisfied and loyal customers. [b]technology[/b] - You seem to assume html and server side scripting but be sure you don't forget that a lot of clients will expect Flash, Flash Comm server, streaming media, SSL, certs, gateway etc etc and that will all have influence on your network/server choice and talent requirements. [b]talent[/b] - tally the talent required to pull off the technology requirements within the allotted timeline. [b]time[/b] - there's always some kind of expectation regarding timeline, it's good to guage what they think it *should* take, measure it against what it will *actually* take and use the exchange as a factor in pricing/acceptance of contract. Are you going to be working a lot of overtime? Paying employees/subs overtime? Are you facing a client with unrealsitic expectations (and do you want to work with them)? [b]budget[/b] - Most potential customers that don't know you or your level of integrity will not want to talk about their budget. A lot of the smaller customers will get a look of shame on their face when you ask because they haven't even considered it, they just have a "feeling about what they have to spend". [b]massively opinionated, ymmv:[/b] I try like heck to break both those barriers in the inital meeting (at least nicely float the fact that it helps massively to know), again, for the reason of building good relationships and weeding out the kinds of people I don't care to deal with (the kinds that just bring grief along with their tight purse strings! Funny how these types tend to be one in the same). [url=http://disk919.com/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/jason.gif[/img][/url][url=http://serveit.org/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/serveit.org.gif[/img][/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/403]JKMabry[/url] on 04-21-2006 22:56)[/small]
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