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Removing Environment Variables? Bad Idea?
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well right now I'm just learning the language so nothing special. I had gotten back into VB6 a few months ago when our print shop needed a special app. Then I got VS2005. I started to do a little bit in it but I just didn't, well, like it :p So I fired up C# to see what it was about. Since I had been doing some PHP stuff, I kept trying to put curly braces in and semi-colons in. I found that C# windows applications were a lot like VB in the RAD sense and that I could use the curly braces and such. So, I just started concentrating on it. We do have and IIS server in the print shop that I might upgrade and do some stuff web based but right now it's just windows apps. I have a "sort of" print driver that I did in VB6 that I am going to port over to C# just for practice. Then I am going to write something for the service department so they can keep track of inventory. I just found that it was pretty easy for me to get my mind around the whole OOP thing with C# as opposed to other languages. So, right now, I'm not doing much but learning it but soon it will be my weapon of choice I think for Windows apps. As far as Web based stuff I'll stick with PHP since I try to stay away from the windows web servers. Give it a go, i think you might like it :) Later, C:\ [img]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/cprompt.jpg[/img]
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