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Removing Environment Variables? Bad Idea?
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[quote="CPrompt"]Visual Studio 2005 (pretty good stuff by the way)[/quote] Not trying to hijack you or anything, but I'm incredibly unimpressed with VS 2005. I've been working withit non-stop for the last 3 months (or just about) and it's slower than all get out, it's been crashing anywhere from 2 to 20 times a day, there are significant bugs in its 'auto-generated' code that you spend more time writing a workaround for than it would take you to write the original (correct) code for in the first place, and [url=http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/]ReSharper[/url] support for 2005 is pitifull to say the least (I know it's just now in Beta, but I was completely spoiled by it when I used VS 2003 and I'm impatient :) ) That said, I don't think C# itself is all that bad (definitely not what I thought it'd be at first, after having to use J++ at VS6 at the univ for two semesters which gave me a really bad taste of VS and everything related). I'm definitely not a fan of Visual Studio (any version) though still. Interesting paper about VS (and really any IDE's that try to do too much for you I think, been a while since I read it): [url=http://charlespetzold.com/etc/DoesVisualStudioRotTheMind.html]Does Visual Studio Rot The Mind?[/url] And on that note, I get to go dive into re-debugging a C#2003 service :) -- Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature. [edit: I guess I don't post enough anymore to remember how to use UBB tags :p [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/2268]Lord_Fukutoku[/url] on 04-24-2006 15:29)[/small]
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