OZONE Asylum
Big wind's a'comin'
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Well....... thanks for the good wishes, must have worked :D In a quirk of nature that the victims of the recent Cyclone Larry in Queensland, or the shattered residents of New Orleans, could only pray for, Cyclone Monica, a Category 5 monster, missed us :cool: [img]http://www.handr.com.au/Asylum/r82494_239908%5b1%5d.jpg[/img] After heading inexorably for us for several days, and with about 200km = 12 hours to go before the eye passed over us with measured winds of 350/hr+, the wind was already stirring here in Darwin when she veered inland and lost her sting in the ensuing few hours. [img]http://www.handr.com.au/Asylum/IDD65001%5b3%5d.gif[/img] Cyclones are so unpredictable that, in the next few hours she veered back on her old course and the eye just passed straight over us. The difference being that, other than some squally rain, the wind was only about 50-60 km/hr.....nothing :) Unfortunately for someone, she's headed back out to sea to power up and then find landfall further West; hopefully somewhere sparsely populated! PS Naturally the images are lifted.....I'm not in that line of work.
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