OZONE Asylum
Big wind's a'comin'
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Thanks, Maruman. Tao, where we live is well into the Tropics, approx Latitude 13, so we don't have normal seasons as such. Starting about now, we should be at the end of the wet season, so no cyclones etc, nand the humidity should drop with clear skies. This lasts to about October when the build up starts, humidity levels rise but no rain ; a trying time for many people particularly before the spread of air conditioners - not a time to be working outside :D In early December/January, the rains start and last to about early April; Easterish. In those few months we will recieve some 1.5 -> 1.8 metres of rain on average and then that's it; rain during the dry season is cause for considerable comment - usual muttering re global warming, black cats, chinamen etc - it's rare indeed. To give you an idea, this month we have had 385mm already, and over 1.4 metres since New Year!! We're going mouldy - it should stop NOW! .....there'll be a few showers from this cyclone and then blue skies 'til prob September or October :) :) BTW That's a great "buttaofly" but I haven't seen him here yet... welcome anytime :cool:
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