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Big wind's a'comin'
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Thanks for that brief tour of the seasons Ian, I found it fascinating. I do often forget that Australia has a rain forest and is in a temperate zone. I think it would take a bit of getting used to for pom like myself to live there, I'm so accustomed to the procession of the English seasons (I love them dearly too) Three months of rain, flippin' heck :) Do some people go mad? Heh, I like the rain, I like what it does to the gardens and countryside. I love the sound of rain on the roofs of buildings and (sturdy) tents. I even like the smell of it, but three months! Being the adaptive little mammals we are, I guess our natures change to suit our surroundings, especially if we are native to the area. I made the "buttaofly" (nice one) a while back for one of the BigSigs, which reminds me, I'll have to get cracking on this months entry, I don't want go breaking any promises I made to master Suho now do I? Btw, at first when I read the title of your post, I had just been listening to Dylans "Hard Rain" and I thought the subject matter was going to be political. ;) [img]http://tao.serveit.org/sigs/liquidboogie.gif[/img] [doh]Illiterate fingers[/doh] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4175]Tao[/url] on 04-26-2006 11:54)[/small]
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