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One-Eyed Cat Proves Creation
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I don't know if I personally would like to go see a pickled kitty, but I'm sure that many people will like the "museum" simply because it is odd. I think that this guy or organization or whatever is behind it is going to make a ton of money. However, I think he may have luck in persuading some people to think as he does, since not all people think for themselves, but he is going to have a harder time with the more independant people. The Creation vs. Evolution debate has been going on for what, 50, 60 years now? I think that it is probably going to keep going on for a long time. Not because one side is stupid or unreasonable, but because both Creationists who speak out against Darwinian rooted ideas and those who speak out against Creationism are both blinded by their own beliefs. Both are intelligent peoples, but both are so ignorant and pig headed that there isn't likely to be much of any progress made in reconciliation in the next 50 or 60 years unless they are able to listen to each other and respect each other first. Then maybe there can be some peace on this battle field. "For reason is a property of God's...moreover, there is nothing He does not wish to be investigated and understood by reason." ~Tertullian [i]de paenitentia[/i] Carthaginian Historian 2nd century AD
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