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One-Eyed Cat Proves Creation
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You know what WS, for once I'm not arguing with you about facts. I now think that the Theory of Evolution, that everything evolves from one state to the next, is a fact. Scientific evidence is good at proving or at least providing a good case for that. However, I will argue with you about beliefs. I still believe in Creation. I just think that if Creationists and Evolutionists would work together and share their ideas more work could be accomplished. I agree with Newton on the belief that science and God are inseperable. With science you see the awesome power and might of God. I think that if the church had accepted Darwin's beliefs or at least agreed to discuss them with him instead of labeling him a heretic, things would have gone better for everyone involved. Why can't people work together by respecting each other? Just for curiosity sake WS, what is the label for the belief that life originated without God? I always thought of it as Evolution, but I know now that isn't true. Do you know the term for the origins of life debate? I hate to keep confusing people when I switch back and forth. DL, I learned a lot more than you think. ;) "For reason is a property of God's...moreover, there is nothing He does not wish to be investigated and understood by reason." ~Tertullian [i]de paenitentia[/i] Carthaginian Historian 2nd century AD
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