OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
One-Eyed Cat Proves Creation
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But isn't it amazing, no matter how bad someone's logic is, how incredibly misinformed he is, how obviously cuckoo he is in the head, that if he presents something as "evidence" or "proof" of [i]creation[/i], every believer in creation will follow him, defend him and fund him, no matter how bad a representative of their cause he is? It's hard to come up with a parallel for this, but ... I believe the situation with pollution and global warming is a more serious threat than most people believe. But that doesn't mean I have to stick up for every goofball who says it's all being caused by too many shiny buildings or someone who smears himself with oil and hang glides over the city naked in protest. Though they may believe in the same basic idea I do, associating myself with these people only [i]hurts[/i] my position. You have to discriminate. [url=http://www.wesleytreat.com/][img]http://www.bigwaste.com/asylum/sig_wtlogo_events_01.gif[/img][img]http://www.bigwaste.com/asylum/sig_events_01.php[/img][/url]
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