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San Ku Kai! C'est la bataille, n'est-ce pas, cast.. ~cough. poï. @ Blaise, your tail is between your legs? Must hurt. And well, we Europeans tend to be amazed at the intense christian extrem... "fundamentalism" found in the US. To me, it's just amazing to see how much masses "need to believe"overall. But it sounds like a natural instinct, I have my own different beliefs. Then again I am italian, and church has a huge impact in italy as well. ==> In terms of sociology, I guess plenty of vulnerable people are seriously *in love* with bibleman because theyre beliefs give them a "higher answer" to ground level fears, fear of unemployment, terrorism, war. So they are truthfully admirative of the hero that will save them. The lambs of parents devoted to the church as a higher answer... after all, if they die in misery, it will be for a higher reason. So, with the superhero hype these days, targetting children of religious extrem.. er.. fundamentalists, by mixing up superheroes and the power of the soul savior Jesus makes sense. Scary stuff, and it does amaze me. (besides, I've never heard anything about the church donating globally to charity, I may be an uninformed chump though, but I've heard accounts of actions made by true saints like Mother Theresa, and I guess they would have been the same saints without dogma and the church, in graceful respect to life itself, and the goodness in human beings - but rarely see the pope actually take action and do something)
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