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Yesterday I found out that one of my friends father died. He had been in the hospital for the last week and somehow had a hemorrhage (sp?) in his brain which then led to sepsus. She told me that she though I would best understand how she feels because I lost my father when I was younger. The whole point to this post is that a few weeks ago I was visiting her in LJ when she burst out with " you dont know what it is like to work for your money" it was made during a, at first, harmless jab about her complaining about fruit juice. Anyway, I replied to her "well you dont know what it's like to go through life without both parents." Now I feel a odd guilt about her fathers death, yet I know I didnt cause it. It like if you told someone to drop dead and a few days later they actually did. I will not bring this up around her, unless she brings it up, although I doubt it would happen. Even still if my arguement was brought up it could very well put her in an even lower place. All in all, I just need to find a reasonable way of resolving this in my mind because if I dont, I do not know how long it may bother me. --- I suck at graphics, I suck like a black hole...
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