OZONE Asylum
Now, I`m pissed
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Driving a vehicle that gets 14mph and I am still comfortable with the current gas prices. I am always amazed that people seem transfixed by the idea that the internal combustion engine is the antagonist in the energy debate. Try to look at the problem as units of resources consumed. If I buy a new car thats about 20,000 gallons of water gone, unknown ammounts of oil for internal plastics, wire sheathing, airbags, hours of electricity consumed in design and manufacture, fuel costs in transit of resources and finished product, etc. I comfortably drive a vehicle that is older than I am, ( its 36 this year ) the resources consumed to create it were spent before I existed, I maintin it from various wrecking yards and of course...ebay, and when people at the gas station grimace and groan, I laugh. When it gets too bad...i'll go strip a 4-cyl diesel out of an old UPS truck and go bio. Its comforting to drive a vehicle that I can disassemble into its respective parts and re-assemble with hand-tools. For now, the smiles per gallon are worth it. Now stop buying shit...I have to go watch road warrrior and clean my guns. [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/imagestore/pill_a.gif[/img] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/616]moaiz[/url] on 05-06-2006 13:22)[/small]
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