OZONE Asylum
Now, I`m pissed
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[quote] [b]CPrompt said:[/b] What I mean by that is that someone sent me an email once stating that the US has enough oil here in the states to supply fuel. [/quote] From my understanding, this is a drastic overstatement. If we were to open up drilling in all of the off-shore spots and throughout the Alaskan wilderness, we would temporarily have a surge in domestic supply that would help us be more self sufficient for a short time. It would not come close to solving the problem - at best it would buy us a few more years of prolonged agony. We need lowered gas taxes, and more than anything we need alternate fuel sources NOW. Period. edit - on the way to work this morning I was listening to an interview with...someone I can't recall, somehow related to the oil industry ;) According to him, approximately 12 supertankers roll into US ports every day. That's about 12,000,000 barrels worth of oil imported, every day (out of the approximately 20,000,000 barrels used in the US every day). It's really a staggering figure... [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/163]DL-44[/url] on 05-11-2006 14:05)[/small]
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