OZONE Asylum
Now, I`m pissed
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I totally agree poi. Better get used to it DB. The USA has [b]always[/b] had considerably cheaper petrol than the UK as far back as I can remember. The price of petrol here is about £1.00 a Litre, yes, they measure it in litres here to lessen the impact. To take the long view, which is what we all should be doing on this matter, oil is a limited resource that soon will not be economical to suck out of the ground. We need desperately to find better ways of using and conserving the resources we have on this planet. Here is a sobering thought for you. I heard Tony Wedgewood-Benn say in an excellent open discussion, aired on the BBC last month. [quote]If we were to raise the living standards of everyone on the planet to the same standards of the average person in the USA today, we would need the resources of more than TEN planet Earths[/quote] The applause was deafening. Now I doubt if that is a scientifically proven fact, but I am sure there is a lot of truth in the statement, not least in the perceptions of the people in general It is time the "developed" industrialised world WOKE UP to the realitiies of the impact it is having on the rest of the world. Phew, nearly went into rant mode then. Time for a nice cup of tea. [url=http://tao.serveit.org/tao.htm]::tao::[/url]::[url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5635] [IMG]http://tao.serveit.org/sigs/taoboogie.gif[/IMG] ::cell::[/url]
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