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Gmail reliability poll!
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I took the data from yesterday that was all 98+ satisfaction/uptime and sold the gmail over webhosting for mail idea to about 30 users so I certainly hope it works :) I'm not too worried, it's a church and there's not a power user with mission critical email among them so it'll be a great test case. I've been using it myself from almost day one, well, I had an account anyhow, but I've made the move in the last few months or so to moving domained mail over to it and I've had no problems with it either so I'm optimistic. If I'm not mistaken they're piloting a program where you can set you mx records to them and use them for flat out mail server full on. If anyone's in that program or can confirm it's exisitence I'd love to hear about it. I believe that Google is the next big computing platform (if not that then a damn-fine-for-free Exchange server solution for now). The saying's been around for a loooong time that "the network is the computer"... I think that's where we're headed, again, dumb terminals (our desktops) accessing apps and files on the network (web). Like banks now hold our money and we don't think twice about it, our data will come out from under our mattresses and buried Mason jars (PCs) and into the datacenter. I look forward to the possiblity of an ensuing debate that goes something along the lines of "I'd never trust my data to so and so business over my local" but I sincerely believe that my son will accept it like I accept the bank being the correct place to put my money. [url=http://disk919.com/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/jason.gif[/img][/url][url=http://serveit.org/][img]http://www.disk919.com/sig/serveit.org.gif[/img][/url]
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