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Gun Control
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At0mic, I'd suggest you look up the statistics on how many people die by gunfire in countries where it's legal to arm yourself like that, and in countries where it isn't. I know here in Australia we have fairly strict gun-control, and I'm glad of it. I mostly don't have to worry that every man and his dog that I walk past is armed. Violent crimes arem uch lower, even when considered as a percentage against the population (because, yes, I'm well aware that Australia's population is much lower than that of the US, and so on and so forth). There's an old saying which holds extremely true: "he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." Most of the time (and I have seen a thing or two in this realm, so I'm not speaking from a point of no experience) if your intruder is armed heavier than you, they will posture and revel in their dominance of the situaton, and take whatever they want *stopping short of taking your life*. If they are confronted, though, with you armed as you suggest you prefer to be, what is their reaction going to be? They will panic, and perhaps not necessarily shoot at you, but at someone you love. And, yeah, you might kill them, and congratulations, you've just taken a life, proud of yourself now? Does taking that life bring back the loved one beside you? No, it doesn't. Does revenge help soothe that wound? No. Have you sunk to the level of the assailant? Yes. Do you want to be him? I can't imagine why you would. Guns do not help things in situations like this. They only escelate the situation, and escelation is far from what you want. [url=http://www.cnn.com/US/9702/07/crime.children/index.html]This[/url] came from a very quick google on the subject, and is but one of many, many things on the 'net. Statistics, studies, mostly done by neutral parties, and without biased spins on them. Go, look forthem. Red. Be educated. Your gun, in the most likely case, will not kill your assailant, should one ever appear in your home. It will kill someone you love. Or your assailant will get it before you can, and kill you with it. You bring the instrument of your own demise into your home and call it a preventative measure? I call it madness or, at best, stupidity. Grow up, go read something, and learn. [url=http://sunday.yarinareth.net][img]http://members.ii.net/~skaarjj/tempus.gif[/img][/url] Justice 4 [url=http://www.justice4pat.com]Pat Richard[/url]
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