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Gun Control
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Most anti-gun stats are from the anti-gun side of things. In every U.S. state where it became easier to get a permit to carry a concealed handgun, violent crime went down. WAY down. In countries where guns have been outlawed (or seriously restricted), crimes have gone up. WAY up. Coincidence? I think not (although I'm sure the Brady Bill folks will say something to the contrary). As most of you know, I have a law enforcement background. That includes nearly 15 years as a firearms instructor, and at least 10 as a defensive tactics instructor. Do I RELY on a handgun? No. Like a mechanic, I have a box full of "tools". Some of those tools are "awareness", some are "training", and some are sharpened cold steel, and some are, well, just plain old projectile firing steel. Like others who've posted here, I've studied martial arts. Folks - it's all mental. The last place you want to be "without a plan", is hip deep in sh!t. And you can get hip deep in it while minding your own business. It has a way of finding you. And I'll leave you with this: Hitler instituted gun control. 'nuff said? [url=http://www.justice4pat.com/] [img]http://www.innervation.com/dev/j4p_link.gif[/img] [/url]
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