OZONE Asylum
Gun Control
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[quote]I disagree. Although I don't support the banning of all guns, if they were banned it would greatly reduce the amount of guns produced. It seems to be common sense that there's no reason to produce guns if people are not permitted to own them[/quote] I'm going to have to disagree here. The drugs in America such as crack, cocaine, LSD, mary jane and many many more are illegal to possess and distribute are still very much being possessed and distributed here. And while some of them are very well cultivated or produced here such as meth or pot, many are imported. This leads me to believe that guns would also be brought in here. After all, not all guns made are made in the usa. [quote]Guns, you can just point and shoot and kill dozens of people.[/quote] While this is true in a sense, I'd be more confident in someone like Pugzly or Lord_Fukutoku taking the shot if I were turned into someones body shield rather than the other guy who thought he could just point and kill. [url=http://www.atomicfalloutshelter.net][img]http://www.atomicfalloutshelter.net/images/sigs/sig-april2.gif[/img][/url]
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