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Concept #4
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[quote] [b]JKMabry said:[/b] Are you trying to show that you can produce graphics as well then? [/quote] Let's be honest here: the graphics involved here are not a showcase for someone looking to land a graphic design job. They are simple, straightforward, and IMO, not distracting at all. Whether the style fits other people's personal tastes or not is not really relevant. They do the job, which is to help present the content, with a small bit of fun. Would I use this for my site? No. Why? Because it doesn't represent me in any way. IMO, this design does a fair job of representing Dan - and that's what it's all about. Let me also add that Hugh's version, IMO, *is* rather distracting, and pulls away from the content far too much. The object here is to keep it relatively simple while also being sure to offer a representation of the person in question. [quote] [b]JKMabry said:[/b] I think you'd do better to just concentrate on content, typography and white space [/quote] These things certainly need some attention still. [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url]
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