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Concept #4
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In the honor of brevity. I am not attempting to promote my graphics skills (which I know that I do not have). What I am is a good programmer and administrator. I want to display the skills that I do have along with highlighting the important pieces of experience that I have. The goal is to be a place that I can direct clients or potensial clients to and give them an overview of my programming skills and experience. So in the end I just want a site. I have been having fun with this site, and I am learning a good deal. Jestah, I agree that this current iteration is most likely not going to work in the end, but it has been a very good learning experience, and the final draft is a far improvement over the original from this concept, and the original in this vein is an improvement over my previous attempts. I believe I have to spend more time on typography and whitespace. I am interested in examples or resources that might help me to learn what I am attempting to do here. It has been a topic that is thrown around a good deal, but I am still not entirely sure what I am trying to achomplish. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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