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Concept #4
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[img]http://www.codetown.org/dc/dc4-2-concept.jpg[/img] I have ditched the logo as I did not feel that it fit the design. I also added some colors, I wasn't sure how I would feel about the color at first but after I dove into it I found that I liked the result. I also changed the fonts a bit. The site is now using 3 different fonts, I think they play well together, but there might be some revisions on that as I spend more time looking at the site. The pixel people got a little bit of an overhaul as their clothing changed. The consistant clothing had a good feel when drawing them but when they are all showing up it was a bit off. For the mouse overs I was thinking of doing a two or three frame animated gif for them, but I am not sure if I will end up going through with that. I will have to see what works there. Hugh, as for using a pixel font, I am a little unsure about that. When I think pixel font I think something 6 to 10 pixels high. Is that what you are talking about? When I tried this is just looked way too small. The point about something new is a nice point, I didn't even think of that. There are things that I know that didn't make it onto the stamp. I still think that a logo of some kind would be cool to have up there but I don't think that is the one I should be using. Thanks for the C&C you have given me thus far. I really appreciate it I feel as if I am learning a lot form what you have been telling me. A sense of style and design is something that I have been told that you either have or you don't. I know that I don't have it, but I really hope if I keep studying what other people are doing and listening to the advice I am given that I could try to fake it to some extent. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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