OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Automod-bot - the next step (calling Tyberius Prime)
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Hello. In the Ozone forum, I have some results, subject to controversy and debugging, still, but working samples. A practicle issue I didn't want to mention at first: parsing the text and posters "out" of html documents is a pain in the behind. In terms of execution speed I mean: as it stands, the script takes 1/3 of a second to parse a given set of keywords on a given page. Am improving this by using caching techniques, but the definitive improvement would be removing the "strip html" part. Plus I got the posters/post count parsing at hands, so... Is there a way I can discuss this out of the forums with one or more mods, including TP? I'd love at least a read access to the db, even if there is no ftp, so I can kill the html parsing code and make several tests without each test taking 5 minutes. It would help things progress *a lot* faster at this stage. Email addies: mauro@mydomain.com or brundle [twenty one] AT hotmail.stuff
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