OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Automod-bot - the next step (calling Tyberius Prime)
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Hullo. I am a tad late (well, clearly late) and I just wanted to tell you why, a matter of politeness. The results I obtained so far sound promising, automod seems to work a threat, and only gets better with each iteration of the project. I want it to work ideally, and as am not pressed by time, don't want to rush tiny updates for the sake of shouting "update". I have been busy in real world, the year is ending, and the final projects are being closed and delivered (3 applications and a couple of tests remain). And I am between two consulting missions, meeting the new customer, for a new, harder, better paid, more interesting challenge, tomorrow. ...That's how the life of the consultant goes: it moves at a tremendous speed. Within the next week, the four top priorities on my list are new mission, lisp app, networking test, and automod. This means that the SOAP interface will pop-up "sometime during the next week" and that I can't be more precise: will just catch the tiny free-time frame which will appear over this period to polish that piece of code.
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