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Automod-bot - the next step (calling Tyberius Prime)
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Obviously, I am not asking for anyone to hand me the db out. But a mere direct access to the data layer. Basically, I'd had assumed the data layer was a data layer. Eg. That posts contents and posters and posts labels and such were data stored in fields of tables in a database. I'd had assumed the sink was produced the same way. [quote] But what stops you [/quote] I have to ask for some solid understanding on your side on this. Ready? When I say "hectic schedule", "work a lot", "top consultant", I mean I happen to spend three of four days in a row without a second of sleep due to the requirements of both my studies and job. I haven't been out for four weeks right now, for example: no-thing private except Mother's day in four weeks. Not a second aside eating, working, sleeping. So, answer a) to your question is: time. Answer b) to your question is: productivity on a broader scale. I can't afford producing "junk code" at all levels of a big project. I can't afford tweaking an html parser to make it like the Asylum for myself. I can't afford having the AI system take twice the time it would need each time I test run it because it has to parse the html AND then process it. Each time I add a keyword, I have to make several test passes for the keyword set. If I edit ten keywords, I am in for ten test runs which will last something like 5 minutes each (since the app now uses all keyword sets on all pages). Had I access to the data layer, this could be cut in two AT LEAST. Considering data analysis is way faster than html parsing, we can safely assume the delay would be cut in tree. So the whole development is impacted by this factor: it will take me weeks this way to do what could be done in days. There are loads of other "strictly technical reasons" I can quote. One is obvious: it's related to your second question. (How do you propose...) If I am developping for the applicative layer, then yes, I have to keep up with each and every layout / interface change. If I am developping for the data layer, eg. the DB, then things get more simple: an SQL layer will handle fetching the info I need, which would separate data processing from layout constraints, and which would make changes as easy as implement as... updating the SQL, not the php. Anyone who knows which fields are fed to the AI could then update the SQL accordingly. It's what these technologies are designed for, scalability, and it's the reason why *slow* databases are favored to *fast* flat files, and why the Asylum mostly relies on db. Hell, it's the reason why you put the grail together in first place: making data scalable. I didn't want to get into the details publicly, that's why I asked for a more direct discussion. -------------------------------------------------------------- Please bear in mind that such a system, again, would be easy to adapt to different forums, different types of forums, and different areas or tasks in a given forum. Please take all precautions you think are worthy, have me sign documents, whatever, but take a clear stand: do you want such a thing to happen? If you do, you have to trust me -a bit- and help me find a solution that will not allow me to cause problems, and that will allow me to work productively. ~nuff hacking script that will end in the trashcan on this one, I am not in for making an html parser, I am in for making an AI. Plus that will make me feel that the idea is welcome : I sure wouldn't want to cause troubles because I dared to propose an idea and claim I can implement it easilly. In the same vein: how do you expect an architect to demonstrate his skills if you ask him to build a skyscraper and give him clay for sketches? [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5827]_Mauro[/url] on 05-19-2006 18:00)[/small]
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