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Mad Scientists' Laboratory
Automod-bot - the next step (calling Tyberius Prime)
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Mhh... ok. And the "protocol?" XML? Would be cool. Formatted text with a given spec would be cool as well. Shouldn't we use something like IM to coordinate easilly? Anyway, I am now making this move fast: my goal is to break the 80-90% success rate this week by refining the keyword search and implementing a well balanced set of badkeywords and posters. There are other technicalities: as it stands, the bot "has" to learn and evolve. For example, the concept Ajax was absent from the dhtml forum for the past years, so it is not a relevant keyword yet, it confuses the dhtml threads detection. But in the future, it will have to be added to the knowledge base and used. However, making it evolve "too fast" is bad, because a single keyword can have a large impact on the detection process. So, when the first version is up and running, I'll have to set the update system and set it so that the kb gets updated only with the needed amount of modifications for a given period. The AI can spot it's own shortcomings by spotting it's own inconsistencies. If a thread has a high archivability for example, but the AI can't decide where to put it, it will need more good keywords and will ask for them.
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