OZONE Asylum
Stupid Basic HTML
stupid css styles!!! AGGGGHHH!
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well, the only thing that I can see at a glance from IE that isn't right would be the text under the guy's picture. Is that right? Looking through the code you have this : [code] <td width="262" height="354" valign="top" background="images/body_space.jpg" class="_bodycontent"><div align="center"><img src="images/cover150_150.jpg" alt="Cover" width="150" height="150" border="0" /><br /> "Feels Like The First Time" <br /> [/code] if you look the class name, it has an underscore. Bad juju there. Take that out and define that class in the CSS with something like: [code] .bodycontent{ font:normal 10px Verdana; color:#fefefe; } [/code] You need to set some stuff for the body tag in your CSS too. Kind of a default that if nothing is set, you these settings for the text. Make sense? So, in your body tag, if you want your text to default to a certain style if it is not otherwise defined, use these settings. [code] body{ font:normal 10px Verdana; color:#fefefe; } [/code] Hope that helps. Maybe tell us what pages are not showing up right and I might be able to pin point it better but that is what jumped out at me. Later, C:\ [img]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/cprompt.jpg[/img]
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