Hugh, don't have me post the 5-6 emails of insults you freely sent me to prove you're skewing reality. Your brilliant essais included assumptions on the size of my penis and plenty of demonstrations of intelligence,
they're gems, especially in terms of conflict resolution, but you wouldn't want me to display your brilliance publicly (and you're doing a good job at advertising it on your own anyway).
Still, yes, answering to bullshit about the size of my penis by having a tool like you believe that, in addition, I had no friends AND a cancer was fun.
It sure didn't make you clever, but it was fun - which is the only way you proved useful to me.
What happened?
I was *quite* sensitive and indeed unstable at some point, I bashed a boy abusively in the s-side forum - among plenty of outbursts against plenty of people including Gurus.
Some people threw in theyre personal griefs at that point, namely one of my exes, and it escalated into people like Hugh, aka retees, randomly deleting anything I posted
for the fun of it, until I asked to be demoted of mod duties and all of my past posts to be totally removed.
And all this happened before Doc O had time to reach me, because regardless of his sympathy for some of the contributions I had posted,
I was facing a crowd that - wether rightly or wrongly - had turned into animals. Better off have all of what caused them so much hassle removed
See how much I cared?
While these people were shooting my new posts dead instantly no matter the topic, they put a huge effort into preventing me from taking my own words back. Go figure?...
What happens today? I am back.
Why? Because wether people like me or not is THEYRE problem, this forum still has things for me, and I have things for it (check some threads about security involving Suho, DL, etc.. for instance).
What has changed? I know my worth, and am paid a good share of it.
Plus I don't take bullshit anymore, and don't take it at heart.
What Hugh distorts is the price billed to a customer for my services as a consultant.
...Ah yeah, have to do the 10 years old class thing about this:
- big companies sometimes have need for skills they don't have time to develop
- they hire consultants who are experts in the mentionned area for the job
- consultants are extremely expensive, and theyre price is the price of theyre expertise.
- I do cost more than 500 bucks a day to the customer I work for, part of it is in my pocket.
So, to put things in theyre context: what Hugh has failed to understand is that the price of my work can be calculated on a 500 bucks/8 hours basis,
and that I definitely have *other duties* than answering hate mail from turds, meaning I am here -by choice- and therefore, without anything to prove to anyone. NOT to bill anything to anyone,
but not expecting to earn a dime.
Expecting, instead, to have to struggle against loads of morons and - thank God - to benefit a few cool contacts and positive contributions, and give some myself.
Just as in real reality.
For the rest, as much as failed comedians and other JKsters dislike me, others do like me, my work, the whole, initiatives I have spawned (20 liners), technical advice I give here.
But don't expect me to bow down before adversity, expect me to stand for my ideas, including naming you a cunt and all sorts of cute names if I think you do deserve it.
And do you think a guy able to send me 5-6 loooong insult emails, and pick up bits of what I said there to post them here, out of context, out of meaning, and distorted, deserves a slap?
I think a tool of that kind at least deserves a basic re-education.
Got other questions? Ask away.