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Concept #5
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[quote] [b]Blaise said:[/b] Well it's a lot more straight than the last design, I thought that one was really coming along. I guess it's down to personal preferences and how you'd like to have your website reflect your own personality.If you're looking for design inspiration try looking through magazines, specifically design, art and music orientated magazine to give you ideas about what what looks good at the moment, what suits you and how you can apply an idea to a website.Many people may disagree with me here but I feel that designing a website is certainly something to do with fashion. There are certain 'looks' and 'feels' that designers will gravitate towards periodically and they fit a trend. I think this is probably why mas rightly says your site looks like something out of the 90's. It's not a very modern design.Hope this helps... [/quote] I totally agree with Blaise on this one. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I believe the following designs are rather trendy (some [i]are [/i]obviously trendy): [url=http://www.alistapart.com/topics/code/css/]A List Apart[/url] (I LOVE this design) [url=http://oliverhodgson.com/]Olly Hodgson's personal page[/url] [url=http://www.problogger.net/]ProBlogger.net[/url] There is also a tendency to go back to the old school style, but I do think it is rather difficult to make something visually interesting. Some of them work, some just don't. Have a look at this for example: [url=http://www.trashclub.co.uk/]Trash Club[/url] You either like it or not... Additionally, I reckon they have a point above, you concept #4 wasn't perfect but there was definitely something there. I think that one of the reasons why you're not (nobody is really) convinced by your concept #5 is because of the amount of colours and the colour scheme; I'll try to explain better: your dark red and blue ("old fashion" colours for a website), combined with the grey background, give a rather dull atmosphere. The top menu needs some work, as well as the body lettering. I quite like your headings shape wise, but again not sure about the choice of colours. The tendency is to use much brighter colours nowadays, at least that's what I think. A grey background works very well with a bright dominant colour (orange, cyan, yellow, etc.) but here it takes way to much importance comparing to the main content. To go back to the body font, I think it is too big, it feels like you made it big to fill in the page. Hope this makes some sense...
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