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Hey everyone! I'm new to the board and a recent Internet Technologies graduate. I've been asked to optimize a website for search engines for a customer and I recommended to them that they allow me to change the content of their site from an image to text. Since the site was designed using tables I decided to use a DIV element so that I could change the image itself, take the text off of it that is, and then place text over the image with the DIV. It looks great except in resolutions other than 1024 x 768 which I knew would happen since I used absolute positioning but now I'm not 100% sure how to go about fixing it. I've tried a few things but nothing worked, I was hoping someone more experienced and willing to share their knowledge could help me. Original Site: [url]http://www.empresswatergardens.com/[/url] What I've Done: [url]http://webdesign.brandyblue.com/EWG/[/url] You can see that when you resize your browser with my version that the text stays where I put it, which is what it's supposed to do. If I change to a relative positioning it messes up the table layout. I don't think they want to pay me to redo their site using a CSS only layout. I may be forgetting something I've learned in the past... Oh and to add, I've been reading some of the other posts and it sounds like using absolute positioning is baaaad. I've tried relative positioning though, and it causes the tables to mess up. Thanks so much! I hope this is in the right section of the boards. :) Brandy [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6214]dappledoxie[/url] on 05-23-2006 20:19)[/small]
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