OZONE Asylum
Ghost rider trailer
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I really liked it. Even the effects I found were quite good. Then again Im biased as it was shot in Melbourne, Australia here. A friend of mine works with trains where they were shooting some scenes so he was able to give me a nice walk-around. As a film buff I was geeking out hardcore as I was able to see models they built (probably to work out camera angles), storyboards, lights, and best of all - a huge semi truck covered in green army camoflauge net. Cool thing was I was able to push it as it was just the shell of the truck cabin and was placed on train tracks for some reason or another. A while later, some friends and I were doing a night out on the town and stumbled across a live shooting of Ghost Rider on Collins St (for those of you who know where this is). Security was tight but bystanders were allowed to watch and take as many photos as they wanted (including myself). From what I could tell it involved a lot of cop cars, a SWAT van, business women out the front of the large AXA building (again, to those of you who know this building). Too bad all the photos I took are with someone in Canada; must try and get them back though. "You know you have been doing 3d too long when you walk into a church and think, "God, the polycount of this place must be huge!"
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