OZONE Asylum
Please install white toner cartridge
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Yeah, the support classics. You know, I *love* users, if they knew what they were doing, I'd have no job, and the world would be full of Einsteins because information science probably is very difficult to a 60 years old guy. And as any job that puts you in contact with plenty of people, you start observing behavioral patterns. Without unveiling too much about the white toner person, typical behavioral patterns include: - when furious people call to discover the issue is general and affecting loads of people, the fact other people are impacted makes them... almost... happy. It goes from "It's a scandal!" to "ok, cool", almost instantly. They "love it" when everybody shares theyre pain :) - people have an anger peak when they call, but as long as you listen and do not argue, displaying empathy (active listening without agreeing all the time, statements like "I understand your point of view"), the anger peek fades away... as they get tired and adrenaline shot wears out :) Much easier to handle after that. - Just as in real life, ladies get wild when in group, and many of them know how to behave when "driven". Eg. as in shopping, avoid asking a lady what she wants [b]exactly[/b] at all costs, avoid her driving you, for it won't lead you anywhere. At least not during this millenium. Once spent two hours stuck with two ladies making very audacious sex jokes, and all I was supposed to do was show them VPN access. They "loved" trying to throw the new shi support boy off.
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