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And then some are just plain dumb. When I was installing TV cable I had put a digital receiver in a ladies house and was explaining how to use the remote and receiver. I was there explaining for about two hours. Lucky for me I was on call that night and got called out to a problem at their residence. Everything was working okay but I had to explain it to her husband for a hour or so. Back to being a lineman, I pulled up to a pole where we were going to be doing some work and a dude rushed up to us almost slobbering he was so angry. When I didn't get all pissed off at him and calmly explained what was going on it seemed like a switch turned on or off and he was super nice. Of course this isn't the case with all people. I had one lady threaten me with a shotgun if I turned her cable off. And some people are going to be butt holes just because they are butt holes. My own wife called me a butt hole last night. Can you believe it? Me either. A few minutes later she asked me to hand her something. I handed it to her and said "Here you go in a nice non-butt hole way." After a few minutes I thought about it and came to the conclusion that my reply was the butt hole part. [url=http://www.atomicfalloutshelter.net][IMG]http://www.atomicfalloutshelter.net/images/sigs//pill2.gif[/IMG][/url]
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