OZONE Asylum
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Yes, it does, lookie :) http://www.beyondwonderland.com/structure/services/automod/asylum/output.html It catches the mood of 74% threads. Meaning it can archive 7 threads out of 10 correctly. A few mistakes, three, but the bad keywords will balance and remove that. It still needs tweaking. The good posters list has got impressively long, including all sorts of regular posters. The keywords list has been shortened. It look like: [code] $goodposters = array( "_mauro" => array(0 => 0.8, 2 => 0.9), "ini" => array(0 => 0.9, 2 => 0.7), "slime" => array(0 => 0.9, 3 => 0.8, 5 => 0.8), "p01" => array(0 => 1.0, 3 => 0.4), "poi" => array(0 => 1.0, 3 => 0.4), "bitdamaged" => array(0 => 0.7, 2 => 0.8), "jkmabry" => array(3 => 0.7), "liorean" => array(0 => 0.9), "shingebis" => array(0 => 1.0), "twod" => array(0 => 0.8), "wrayal" => array(0 => 0.8), "darkgarden" => array(1 => 1.0, 3 => 0.9), "doc ozone" => array(3 => 1.0, 1 => 1.0, 0 => 0.9, 2 => 0.8), "scott" => array(0 => 0.8), "tao" => array(3 => 0.8, 4 => 0.9), "taobaybee" => array(3 => 0.8, 4 => 0.9), "warjournal" => array(1 => 0.9, 3 => 0.8, 5 => 0.9), "wes" => array(3 => 0.8), "dms" => array(0 => 0.7, 2 => 0.5, 3 => 0.6), "docilebob" => array(1 => 0.8, 3 => 0.8), "f1_error" => array(3 => 0.8), "dracusis" => array(1 => 0.7, 0 => 0.6), "cameron" => array(1 => 0.7, 0 => 0.6), "mas" => array(3 => 0.8), "grumble" => array(3 => 0.8), "suho1004" => array(8 => 0.9, 3 => 0.8), "diogenes" => array(8 => 0.9, 3 => 0.8), "tyberius prime" => array(3 => 0.8, 2 => 0.9, 0 => 0.4), "emperor" => array(2 => 0.8, 3 => 0.9), "mr.max" => array(2 => 1.0, 0 => 0.9), "jung" => array(4 => 0.9), "mahjqa" => array(1 => 0.8, 4 => 1.0), "skaarjj" => array(3 => 0.7, 0 => 0.3, 5 => 0.9), "reitveld" => array(5 => 0.9), "krets" => array(3 => 0.8), "scott" => array(0 => 0.8), "moaiz" => array(3 => 0.8), "bugimus" => array(0 => 0.9, 1 => 0.7, 3 => 0.9), "grythusdraconis" => array(8 => 0.8), "dl-44" => array(1 => 0.9, 3 => 0.9, 8 => 0.8)); $goodkeywords = array( "DHTML/Javascript Archives" => array("function", "dhtml", "jscript", "javascript", "js", "onmouseover", "onmouseout", "css", "xhtml", "domain", "onload", "preload", "html", "dom", "dynamic"), "Photoshop Archives" => array("photoshop", "ps", "font", "painting", "brush", "filter", "displace", "color", "blend", "gradient", "watercolour", "tool", "illustrator", "adobe" ), "Server-Side Scripting Archives" => array("php", "echo", "perl", "sql", "c\+\+", "request", "asp", "response", "redirect", "database", "server", "apache", "upload", "script", "page", "java", "chmod", "application" ), "OZONE Archives" => array("great", "ms", "windows", "opera", "design", "firefox", "linux", "ff", "ie", "birthday", "zeldman", "newborn", "hilarious", "party", "ozone", "baby", "funny", "wife", "mac", "intel", "play"), "BIG SIG Archives" => array("testing", "runner up", "winner", "idea", "contest", "mask", "sig"), "3D Modelling & Rendering Archives" => array("mesh", "max", "bryce", "nuurbs", "opengl", "cube", "solid", "poser", "volume", "coordinate", "render", "rendering"), "PS Pong Competition - Archived Games!" => array("bmp", "vs", "versus", "psd", "zip", "smash", "volley", "pop-corn"), "Print Graphics Archives" => array("layout", "cmyk", "paper", "type", "point", "inch", "truetype", "logo", "icon"), "Philosophy Archives" => array("article", "debate", "life", "god", "religion", "war", "opinion", "catholic", "christian", "terrorism", "family", "belief", "atheism") ); [/code] And it works :) Loads of fine tuning has gone into this, lots of trial and error, but it'll soon be wise enough to be fully used.
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