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God gene
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kimson: Sorry I wasn't clear. I was being somewhat sarcastic. The "research" Hamer does seems to always be on the fringe and of a somewhat questionable nature. However, my implication was not that if someone goes and gets "saved" their genetic stricture is immediately, magically altered. I was saying that the research he is doing seems to start with a preconceived idea of where he wants to end up and he misses other possibilities, such as the idea that generations of people following certain beliefs or traditions might lead to altering of the family's genetic code. In the 1970's a group of scientists took massive amounts of data and fed them into a computer. They then ran correlation analysis on all the data and the computer produced a printout of all the "facts" it could correlate. One of the facts the computer found was that every time the third moon of Jupiter goes into regression, it rains in Toronto, Canada. There are times when you can have large amounts of data that seem to point to a fact, but that don't really relate to each other at all. . -- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful. [url=http://www.hyperbole-software.com/] [img]http://www.hyperbole-software.com/ozone/hyperbole-88x33.gif[/img] [/url]
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