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Creating "Buffers" - problems with history and coookies
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WarMage: I am using php on the server side, and it is working perfectly. Each user is assigned a session id which refrences them to a row in the database. The database contains all the standard user information, as well as lastPage and message. For an example of what these two rows do go to my classifieds site's submission process: http://safarri.com/submit 1) Select regular classified (requires registration), and you will be taken to the login / registration system. 2) A friendly message shows at the top of all registration pages, and once you are finished you are redirected back to the submission page no matter how many pages the registration process took. It is like a smart PHP $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] coupled with message handling. :-) The problem comes when users have multiple windows open. If you are on the browse pages in one window and go through the submission process in another, the lastPage and messages get totally messed up. What I did was to split those the lastPage and message colums into their own database table, and refrence them to each user AND each open window. (each SESSION can contain as many BUFFERS as the USER has OPEN WINDOWS) I have everything working except for one (seemingly trivial) point: How do I create a new buffer ID when the user opens a new window? See the above post for my attempts... -Robur
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