OZONE Asylum
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DL, overall I like it. The code is clean, css checks out, and the design is pleasing. I personally have no problem with fixed width, and considering the intended audience (or my presumption thereof), I don't think breaking the 800x600 barrier is a problem. Aside from some rendering problems in IE55, it seems to check out well in all modern PC browsers. I can't speak for mac. I'll try and remember to give it a gander tomorrow in Safari. Not sure that anyone really gives a rats ass about MacIE anymore, but I am guessing the results will be similar to IE55. If you want some screenshots for anything in particular, let me know. Here are my initial thoughts, no real problems, just suggestions: 1. From a user standpoint, I always want to click on the header of a site to get back to the homepage. I know you have the home link, but this is not a deterrence to me and probably many others. Just a personal peeve, and yes, I know, my site does not do that. I have also been working on a redesign...for the past six months...slow going since I got a ft coding gig. 2. Some title tags on those nav links would be nice. ;) 3. In the case a user wants to print a page on your site, the text/graphics are being cut off on the right side. You might consider a print style sheet with just plain text. 4. On the contact form page, close the gap of whitespace in the textarea field. It is kind of bothersome for the user if they click in the textarea field and their cursor is a line and a half down. 5. I am guessing the inline style on the h1 in the header is for the random image being generated by the PHP. You might want to consider another solution. Just link to a rotator script in your css file like so: [code]background:url('/graphics/headers/rotator.php') left top no-repeat;[/code] and then place [url=http://www.ramasaxdesign.com/asylum/rotator.php.txt]this file[/url] in your headers directory. A working example can be seen on a [url=http://www.chartiersconservancy.org/]site I did a while back[/url]. That's really all I could pick out at the moment. Nicely done IMO. Ram
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