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[quote] [b]Ramasax said:[/b] 1. From a user standpoint, I always want to click on the header of a site to get back to the homepage. I know you have the home link, but [/quote] Knew I was forgetting something ;) Will get that link in there...[quote] [b]Ramasax said:[/b] 2. Some title tags on those nav links would be nice. [/quote] I'm not sure I see a need, really. I'm not against it in the bigger picture...but I think the link text for the nav is about as self explanatory as it can get. For a commercial site, the more explanation the better. But for a personal site, and given the small number of options....I don't know. I'd be happy to consider anything you might have to convince me otherwise though...[quote] [b]Ramasax said:[/b] 3. In the case a user wants to print a page on your site, the text/graphics are being cut off on the right side. You might consider a print style sheet with just plain text. [/quote] Yeah, haven't gotten around to looking at the print side yet[quote] [b]Ramasax said:[/b] 4. On the contact form page, close the gap of whitespace in the textarea field. It is kind of bothersome for the user if they click in the textarea field and their cursor is a line and a half down. [/quote] Hah. thought I managed to fix that quick enough that mobody saw it ;)[quote] [b]Ramasax said:[/b] 5. I am guessing the inline style on the h1 in the header is for the random image being generated by the PHP. You might want to consider another solution. Just link to a rotator script in your css file like so: [/quote] Probably a little cleaner overall that way. Something to keep in mind for the future.[quote] [b]Ramasax said:[/b] DL, overall I like it. The code is clean, css checks out, and the design is pleasing. [/quote] Always nice to hear =) [quote] [b]JKMabry said:[/b] AUGH! PApyrus! /me falls over dead [/quote] heh... 'tempus sans itc' actually ;) But it is *very* close. [quote] [b]JKMabry said:[/b] I'm particularly impressed with your handling of the type and white space, [/quote] Well thank you. I spent a lot of time on that aspect, and still have tweaking to do as I play more the gallery areas. Anyway, thanks for the comments. I always love to hear what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong =) [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url]
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