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The left border/background image on the same level as your main site links appears to be off. It doesn't appear problematic on the right side as there it does not occur at a drastic jump. Your fieldsets on the contact page might want a little more contrast, when I look at that page I keep wanting to see what is happenning there but not being able to pull it out. That could just be an issue with my monitors settings. An on state for your tabs might be nice, have you experimented with anything? I like all of the random images that you have loading for your header image except the two scrabble boards. The one that is taken from a distance bothers me for some reason, it might be a little blurry. The one taken up closer is not so bad, but they do not seem to fit with the rest of teh images that you have up there. Overall good job. Really clean code, I like it. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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