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Philosophy and other Silliness
Morons are needed (some considerations on evolution)
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Perfection doesn't exist, it's all a contextual thing :) A perfect being is nothing more, nothing less, than ideally suited to it's immediate environment right now. At least, perfection doesn't exist in a quantum physics perspective (since nothing keeps a permanent state). [side note] :) For GA, to explain how I came to this conclusion... perfection in the case of GA is "perfect suitability of a solution to a problem". In Sudoku, it is the "perfect grid" that fully matches Sudoku rules. Such a perfect grid can only be achieved if one of the evolutionary operators (one of the things that evolves the algorithm and changes genes and chromosomes, eg. mutation or crossover or...) shifts elements by one unit at a time, maximum two (raise this and your GA ends up trying and failing forever). So some options created by my GA are wrong enough to need to step back, one gene at a time, and restart on a new track, one gene at a time. Due to the randomness of mutations, this happens very slowly, and returns on tracks that were not expected to produce satisfactory results. [/side note] Well, for human beings, we could prove evolutinary perfection doesn't exist by assuming it does exist. Then, it would consist in "being adaptable to any environment contained in reality, anytime, anywhere"... Is that possible? Prove it right, or wrong...
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