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Morons are needed (some considerations on evolution)
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I think that this conversation really misses the point behind what evolution is. It seems that there is an assumption here that evolution has a goal....that evolution is something that is on a path from one place to another.... Evolution is not goal driven. Evolution happens because mutation happens. Mutations that prove suitable are passed on because the mutated specimen survives. Mutations that are unfavorable are not passed on because the specimen does not survive. This is clearly not a strict system, since clearly plenty of unfavorable traits can be passed on. but it is essential to keep in mind that evolution is not about acheiving perfection - it has no goal, no end, no ideal. We can subjectively define what we feel would be an 'evolutionary ideal', but that will no effect on what actually happens, so it is purely academic anyway.[quote] [b]kimson said:[/b] If so, can we assume that human kind (and the other species, but this is not my point here) tend to perfection? [/quote] Hardly, and this is the biggest stumbling block to understanding evolution, IMO. In the big picture, our existence here has been short and insignificant. To say that we as a species represent perfection in any way is pure folly. Are we better suited to our environment now than 2,000 years ago? Hardly :confused: 2,000 years is far too short a time to measure the effects of evolution on a species such as ours anyway. [quote] [b]_Mauro said:[/b] The closer you get to the solution, the slower the resolution progresses, and it is exponential. [/quote] Once again, this assumes a goal ;) It also assumes that humanity is headed directly for that goal. Truly: this line of thought, while it can be interesting to follow, is pure folly. FWIW [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url]
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