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K. Don't get me wrong, I very much appreciate a debate and being contradicted, I am merely paying you respect by playing my part as the devil's advocate you know (and I do know you're good, as if I had to say that). So.... :D [quote] Java would handle it if half the objects used in the program were COM objects written in C/C++ or even Visual Basic [/quote] Well, astoundingly well, which puzzles me a bit. For instance, make sure you have a recent JVM, and google "jogl", then hit the demos, any of the demos, especially the one which integrates several openGL contexts in Java swing subwindows. Granted, the c components / Java components talk is controlled by the VM, but... what you have there is a Java class which will call the right dynamic library depending on the OS, and will talk through it to the gfx hardware using OpenGL 1.5 specs: it's stable as hell. Ok... just checked the demos and they are webstart applications, but anything, and trust my Java expertise on this one, any Java app could virtually be turned into an applet, and would in many cases behave very closely to how it would have done as a standalone webstart app. Not to mention I've already used OpenGL contexts inside applets myself. And to be precise, and maybe give you a bit of a challenge and interesting paths to explore, there is no real "delete" operator or the likes in Java. In facts, destruction is almost never explicit in Java (ok, variables can be explicitely nulled out, the system gc can be tickled, etc.. but no real destruction occurs).
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