OZONE Asylum
Debate over Net Neutrality.
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You people rock. 2nd way to fight: spreading the word, simply, I have mailed and talked to people around me about this a lot, intellectuals or average Joes, I have tried and tried to tell them, without trying to look like a "messiah" or new Che Guevara (it would kinda spoil the point to put too much emphasis on "the world is coming to an end" to audiences who are not tech savvy). Simply speaking my mind as I did above is the right way to convey the info. 3rd way to fight, if all else fails: big companies still have to rely on developers, and developers have a mind of theyre own. If several distros of Linux can shake the Microsoft market as they do, it means corporates will never be able to encompass, hire, or otherwise "control" free minded, Open Source oriented geeks, and when the day comes... If all else fails, that is. @Miniature, sometime ago, an open source initiative called "freenet" had been attemptedly built, which made data transfers over the www almost impossible to monitor. At some point, an initiative called "W-A-S-T-E" has been released by Winamp, and strongly disapproved and turned down by AOL. "w-a-s-t-e" made for secure and intelligent file sharing, highly encrypted and controlled, and despite the efforts of AOL, the program and it's source code had been released. I have them here on one of my HDs. These technologies exist, at hand, ready to be used if they become a necessity. Until then, it's still is time to fight diplomatically, words first, and if it becomes a true necessity, if it gets as dark as it could be, then swords. Spread the word, information is gold.
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