OZONE Asylum
Debate over Net Neutrality.
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Right now companies can offer any type of service they want and charge any rate they would like to offer that service. What this bill is looking to do is tell these companies how they must frame their service. The bill is looking to tell these companies that they must be neutral. It should not be the governments job to make this choice. This should be decided by economics, technology and consumer choice. If a company is going to do things that are not beneficial to their customers then their customers should leave them. If it is a problem for a customer to leave their current provider because they are being exploitive then this is ground to prosecute the company based on anti-monopoly laws. Let the company be attacked by bad press. Let the company be attacked by the laws that are currently on the books. Let the company be attacked by disruptive technologies. But don't go off half cocked and try to legislate away the preceived problems. This isn't a legislative problem this is a technological and ecconomical problem, solve technical issues with technology and ecconomical one with money. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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