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Modal Popup, needs to close and return user to link/hash
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Hello all, it's a wonder I haven't killed myself today ;)) I have a page with an exit popup, it's using (for IE only) a showModalDialog. I need it to do the following The popup comes up on page exit (Working) The Popup has a link and a button, both going to the same place. Clicking them closes the Popup and accesses a hash (#here) So, after the popup someone can click the link, it loads the page in the parent and scrolls down to the anchor... The problem is, after the link is clicked it would close the popup and scroll to the anchor BUT then the page would refresh. Right now I have an alert box jumping up showing the hash. Without that ir doesn't pause enough to show that it's actually scrolling down to the proper anchor... After you click OK, it just refreshes the dang page... it sucks Check it out, I left out the link code so it wont get hit from bots etc. ultrametabolismbook.com/ap0-explain.html I'm no JS guy, never claimed to be I swear... Thanks Casey / AT [url=http://www.ap0s7le.com]Personal[/url] [url=http://www.apostlesasylum.com]Song Lyrics[/url] [url=http://www.momslilgreentin.com]Family Recipes[/url]
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