I am trying to use this code to post a form to an email.
It works fine on one of my servers with one 'to' email address on of my servers. But when i change the 'to' address, on another mail server, I dont receive the email. Can you let me know what the problem is?
thanks so much,,
struggling with this.. i m not understanding what the problem is..
Thanks everybody for your help..
the code:
$request = array_map('trim',($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") ? $_POST : $_GET) ;
//check for spam injection
$allfields = implode('',$request) ;
$nontext = $request ;
unset($nontext['message'] );
$nontextfields = implode ('',$nontext) ;
if ((strpos ($nontextfields,"\\r")!==false) ||
(strpos ($nontextfields,"\\n")!==false) ||
(strpos ($allfields,"Content-Transfer-Encoding")!==false) ||
(strpos ($allfields,"MIME-Version")!==false) ||
(strpos ($allfields,"Content-Type")!==false) ||
($request['checkfield']!=$check) ||
(empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))) die('Incorrect request') ; //stop spammers ?>
<?php include("connectionmtc.php");
$msg.="Name :\t$_POST[name]<br>";
$msg.="Telephone :\t$_POST[tel]<br>";
$msg.="Email :\t$_POST[email]<br>";
$subject= " Application Form" .$_POST['email'];
$headers.= "Reply-To: " .$_POST['email'];
$headers.="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$headers.="Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$headers.="From:" .$_POST['email'];